Resident data ends at 1764, program starts at 1764, file ends at 57e4 Starting analysis pass at address 1763 End of analysis pass, low address = 1764, high address = 4c31 [Start of text] S001: "DEJA VU" S002: "a" S003: "the" S004: "the" S005: "the" S006: "the" S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S014: "You are in a large room, with a passage to the south, a passage to the west, and a wall of broken rock to the east. There is a large "Y2" on a rock in the room's centre." S015: "the" S016: "The author of this demonstration has never, ever understood what the Y2 rock was for. Was it a grid reference? Or a question?" S017: "Sitting on top of the Y2 rock is a featureless white cube." S018: "the" S019: "an" S020: "Large enough to sit inside. Among the controls is a prominent on/off switch. The numberplate is KAR 1." S021: "The red car sits here, its engine still running." S022: "A little red car is parked here." S023: " !!!! FROBOZZ MAGIC CAR COMPANY !!!! Hello, Driver! Instructions for use: Switch on the ignition and off you go! Warranty: This car is guaranteed against all defects for a period of 76 milliseconds from date of purchase or until first used, whichever comes first. Good Luck!" S024: "You're at a low window overlooking a huge pit, which extends up out of sight. A floor is indistinctly visible over 50 feet below. Traces of white mist cover the floor of the pit, becoming thicker to the right. Marks in the dust around the window would seem to indicate that someone has been here recently. Directly across the pit from you and 25 feet away there is a similar window looking into a lighted room. A shadowy figure can be seen there peering back at you. A narrow crack in the rocks leads back down." S025: "an" S026: "You are in a dirty broken passage. To the east is a crawl. To the south is a large passage. Above you is another passage." S027: "In the north wall is an open iron door." S028: "In the north wall is a shut iron door." S029: "The door opened out onto a tiny ledge at the top of the Great Canyon on its west wall. From here there is a marvelous view of the canyon and parts of the Frigid River upstream. Across the canyon, the walls of the White Cliffs join the mighty ramparts of the Flathead Mountains to the east. Following the Canyon upstream to the north, Aragain Falls may be seen, complete with rainbow. The mighty Frigid River flows out from a great dark cavern. To the west and south can be seen an immense forest, stretching for miles around. It is absolutely impossible to climb down into the canyon from here." S030: "You are in a splendid chamber thirty feet high. The walls are frozen rivers of orange stone. An awkward canyon and a good passage exit from north and south sides of the chamber." S031: "Hanging mysteriously in mid-air, at about the height of a kitchen table, is an elongated brown sack, smelling of hot peppers." S032: "You are in a debris room filled with stuff washed in from the surface. A low wide passage with cobbles becomes plugged with mud and debris here, but an awkward canyon leads north and steps lead up. A note on the wall says: Magic Word "XYZZY"" S033: "Labelled Frobozz Magic Ray Gun Co., it works on gerontological principles." S034: "You are at one end of a vast hall stretching forward out of sight to the west. There are bricked-up openings to either side. Nearby, a wide stone staircase leads downward. The hall is filled with wisps of white mist swaying to and fro almost as if alive. A cold wind blows up the staircase. There is a passage at the top of a dome behind you." S035: "Perhaps a boa constrictor. Perhaps not." S036: "an" S037: "A sad and decrepit echo of a once-great serpent." S038: "You are on the east bank of a fissure slicing clear across the hall. The mist is quite thick here, and the fissure is too wide to jump." S039: "A dangerous-looking hand grenade rolls about on the floor here." S040: "You are at the edge of a large underground reservoir. An opaque cloud of white mist fills the room and rises rapidly upward. The lake is fed by a stream which tumbles out of a hole in the wall about 10 feet overhead and splashes noisily into the water somewhere within the mist. The only passages go north and east." S041: "Unlucky for some." S042: "Growing from a tuft of mould is a single two-leafed clover." S043: "This is a large room with a ceiling which cannot be detected from the ground. There is a narrow passage leading west. The room is deafeningly loud with an undetermined rushing sound. The sound seems to reverberate from all of the walls, making it difficult even to think." S044: "Exquisite." [End of text] [End of file]